Wow! The good Lord sent a huge message in the form of nap time today. Sea asked if we could go outside to climb trees, play ball, and have a tea party when Shell went down for her second nap. I had so many items to check off my to-do list. However, for some reason today the chores did not feel important - even though the list was longer than ever.
We played soccer. I need to workout! I was exhausted.
We documented the weekly progress of her pea seedlings.
We fluffed the blanket and chose a spot for our tea party. We were both lying down in the sun, eating kettle corn, and sipping on water. Daddy walked through the back yard gate and Sea let out a huge welcome!
The learning moment presented itself. The next door neighbor arrived home from school and came out to say hello to Sea. As the little girl walked closer to our gate, I could see our precious family moment vanish in the blink of an eye. I realized at that very moment, there would never be a chore more important than taking time with my daughter. I realized not only is time slipping through my fingers like sand in an hour glass, but her friends are beginning to be "cooler" than her parents.
I cannot count how many times, I've nodded to acknowledge Sea while sitting at the computer. I was too busy to turn around and really listen. Yes, sure I heard what she said to me. But there is a BIG difference between hearing and truly being present and listening. I have validated this lack of attention before today, but I had things to do, emails to send, photos to upload. I needed mommy time.
However, today was a very different day. I realized my little girl is becoming a Little Miss way before I'm ready to accept the reality of the situation. And I need to put down the to-do list, stop cleaning the base boards, and just PLAY!
I'm off to Play and Enjoy the Little Things in Life.