Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Intrinsic Motivation & One Confused Blogging Mommy!

I feel a million light years away from 2011. Back in the day, I was on top of the computer know-how. In my business life I was an executive administrator and a full time college student at a top-notch private college. At work when the top dog was out of the office, it was my responsibility to be on top of things and that included the computer database.

Fast forward eight years, and now my nine year old neighbor is throwing blogging terms my way and I feel the need to dodge them like flying bullets. Call 911 I need a refresher course on computers STAT!

I love looking at all the home school blogs, but I have no idea where to start when it comes to my own. I feel like it's a good old country blog - eggs and grits is all you get! *lol*

Well, I'll start off with today's upside down and crazy lesson plan. I'm not sure about you, but when it comes to school in our home - you never know what you will wake up to next. I had great plans for today. And then my daughter surprised me by taking over the classroom and holding her own lecture on A to Z, crafts, cooking, physical education, and positive reinforcements. I hope you enjoy the snap shots from today's intrinsic motivation day!

She turned the classroom into her own private leadership studio.
The students had their own desks (my curriculum cubbies turned upside down)

Sea decided Jessi needed a course in Elementary Math 101.

It's everything from A to Z.

Well, that's all for today folks! I'll be sure to pop back in to give you a peek at our Usborne Books Easter Celebration! No lesson plan is complete without an Usborne book in hand!

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