Friday, May 18, 2012

The Beauty of Home Schooling in Florida - Virtual School, K12

How have you been? I've been crazy busy with 2012!

This was our first year with our district's virtual school program called, K12. I have to admit having a curriculum completed for me and signing on each morning to a bright and beautiful schedule has been a HUGE stress relief. I no longer spend countless hours researching curriculum options online. However, there are pros and cons to each choice in home school.


We chose a public school option this year because our state offered a Kindergarten and First grade waiver. Sea was entering First grade. We had no idea if the option would be available the next year. We decided to go for it and have been pleasantly surprised at the wealth of knowledge this program offers to our family. It allows flexibility in our schedule. We can sign on at any time and complete the 4-5 hours of course work due each day. History and Science have been an all-time favorite in our home.

Florida requires course work in both Math and Language Arts to be completed each day of the week. We have the flexibility of rearranging History, Science, Art, and Physical Education to the days we see fit. And the most rewarding aspect of K12 is we LOVE our teacher. She calls every quarter to test and chat with Sea. She is always available online and by phone if needed.

K12 offers everything you need to teach your child. Yes, TEACH. Don't allow their terminology "Learning Coach" to lead you to assume the online teachers teach your child. They call once a quarter and are available to answer questions within reason. However, you are responsible for staying up-to-date on your student's needs, wants, and desires for learning. You must be organized, structured, and most of all proactive every single day.


I used to have blond hair and now I have really light gray hair, including my eye brows (that I dye brown)! Yes. I transferred from late night/early morning stressors to daytime stressors. The pretty bright schedule that greets me every morning is attached to a cord which is WIRED five days a week. I feel too plugged in to our new way of schooling.

I'd love to sit back and read a book all day with Sea and Shell. I'd love to have the luxury of diving into a unit and staying there for a while (more than 4 to 5 hours in one day). I'd like to pick a topic that Sea is passionate about and incorporate all aspects of learning into that particular subject. Unfortunately, I no longer have that luxury while using K12. I'm tied down to their curriculum and their topic of interest; along with their time frame.

Don't get me wrong, the topics are interesting. The method of engagement is thrilling. I am excited to learn with K12. I pick up on new ways of thinking and learning. I LEARN EVERY DAY alongside my daughter. We love the Reading Rooms, where stories come alive with animated characters. It's the control of CREATING the curriculum, I miss dearly.

I feel RUSHED all day and every day. I feel a rope pulling me towards the little unchecked box at the beginning of each subject. I feel the need to plow through the lesson, check the box, and continue to the next unchecked box. Some days I don't even recall what we learned the day before and I'm sure Sea feels the same way. I'm starting to feel what it would feel like to be a "regular" school teacher. I cannot imagine how I will feel next year once the FCAT preparations are introduced into our lesson plan.

I'm not going to lie. I'm totally freaked out about the FCAT. Sea's weakest area in school is testing under pressure. She gets really stressed out when she is aware of a timer. Her brain freezes up and she becomes extremely tense. She starts to weep. Her teacher has been amazing in this area of concern.

We started sending her teacher photo collages of her activities since she was last tested. They break the ice by talking about the collages and the fun she has learning new information every day. They talk about what she will be tested on and then slowly begin the test (while starting the timer). Mind you, this is NOT the FCAT. She is tested on various subjects each quarter.

However, I have no idea what I will do when I am instructed to walk into a public school and drop her off to leave her alone behind closed doors to take the FCAT. Even the thought brings me anxiety. This isn't the vision I had of home schooling. I didn't want to feel rushed every day just to check a box. I am concerned her lesson plans will be designed to teach the test, instead of instilling the love for learning.

Final Decision:

What's next on our home school journey? I'm not sure. Last month I wanted to return to traditional home school. I needed to regain control in our home and in the lives of our children. I needed to turn off the computer and pick up a book. I wanted my teacher's closet to come alive again with arts and crafts. I wanted to watch our learning videos and play outside.

And then, I realized maybe the grass isn't always greener on the other side. K12 saved my daughter's education this year. Shell contracted a very dangerous bacterium and was hospitalized twice. She endured a three to four hour surgery. By the grace of K12, Sea was able to keep trucking through the next lesson because the computer was PLUGGED in, even at the times when we were overwhelmed and distraught.

Virtual school saved our family this year. It allowed me to hug my daughter when I would have been caring for both a very sick little baby girl and attempting to sort through unit and lesson plans on my own. I am thankful for our public school. It was there when I needed it most. Thank You, K12! We've decided to re-enroll for the 2012-2013 school year. I'm not sure what 2013-2014 will hold for our home school journey. You never know, it could change again before the next school year begins. And that is the BEAUTY OF HOME SCHOOLING IN FLORIDA. You have the RIGHT TO DECIDE!

Hugs, Love, and Home School ~ Summer

Friday, February 10, 2012

Happy Love Month!

Happy Love Month 

New posts coming soon...

A New Year, A New Life!

Praise God! We blew through 2011 alive and well. 

The month of December was one of the most difficult months of the year. Three of our family members passed on to continue their spiritual life beyond our earthly existence. 

My father left one week before his mother and my mother-in-law left one week after my Nannie. My husband left for his home state just after my father's passing. Thankfully, he was able to be by his mother's side during her passing. Sea and Shell caught their first cold of the year during the time their daddy was away. He finally arrived back into our arms on Christmas Eve. 

During this time, we were in the midst of wrapping up Sea's first semester of virtual school. The Christmas cards are still sitting on my desk, along with the Valentine cards. I even have a few gifts to pass out to our loved ones. I'm not sure when I'll actually put the cards in the mailbox. During times of self analysis, I see placing the final stamp on the last card as the end to a chapter in my life. It's a chapter I'm not completely ready to admit is sealed and forever mailed away into my memory.

The year two-thousand eleven brought forth several personal validations. Forgiveness is not an option. Boundaries are fences we build around our hearts. The Lord gives us life and we are responsible for caring for it on a holistic level. Life is what you make out of very breath you take and every breath is a blessing. Say Thank You, Please, and You're Welcome more times than you think is possible. Health starts TODAY!

I've realized blogging isn't something I can do everyday. I've realized my MacBook isn't as user friendly as I had wished. And I've realized I need to buy more lottery tickets. If I'm going to win at LIFE, I have to play the game. 

Life isn't what happens to me, it's how I respond to what comes at me. This year I'm responding instead of reacting. I'm planning instead of dreaming. I'm praising instead of praying. The Lord doesn't want me to pray for what I want. The Lord wants me to take hold of the blessings in my life and praise him for my achievements. I cannot walk this world alone, for I am in his hands and he is my coach. Each morning I wake up asking the Lord what can I do today that I did not achieve yesterday.

We tend to our learning garden to share our harvest with our neighbors. We help those in need. We offer love and appreciation more times than expected. 

We laugh. We love. We Live!

In the words of an amazing professor, 
Make Today Count!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Coming Soon - 8 Months of Review!

Hello. I've missed you. We had BIG plans for our summer vacation. However, life had different plans for our family. Our lives have been crazy busy. Little Miss Shell came in contact with an environmental bacterium somewhere around July. The bacterium took a toll on her health for several months. We are still attempting to rid her tiny body of this horrible monster. 

I decided to teach myself how to sew a baby's hospital gown 
the night before Shell's surgery.

We made a few changes to our educational plan for 2011-2012. We chose a virtual company for Sea's 1st grade year. Thank GOD this opportunity fell into our lap at the very last minute. We needed an organized and structured lesson plan (completed) in order to survive our days with Little Miss and her new medical journey. 

Life is a daily lesson. The world is our classroom. I've learned family comes before blogging. I promise to post a virtual school review before the end of the year. I'll be sure to post photos of our home school adventures, too. 

Until then, make it a learning day!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Coming Soon: Back to School!

We've been missing in action this summer. Our lives have been one fast roller coaster ride. I'll post a catch up blog by Monday. We have so many surprises to share and tell!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Intrinsic Motivation & One Confused Blogging Mommy!

I feel a million light years away from 2011. Back in the day, I was on top of the computer know-how. In my business life I was an executive administrator and a full time college student at a top-notch private college. At work when the top dog was out of the office, it was my responsibility to be on top of things and that included the computer database.

Fast forward eight years, and now my nine year old neighbor is throwing blogging terms my way and I feel the need to dodge them like flying bullets. Call 911 I need a refresher course on computers STAT!

I love looking at all the home school blogs, but I have no idea where to start when it comes to my own. I feel like it's a good old country blog - eggs and grits is all you get! *lol*

Well, I'll start off with today's upside down and crazy lesson plan. I'm not sure about you, but when it comes to school in our home - you never know what you will wake up to next. I had great plans for today. And then my daughter surprised me by taking over the classroom and holding her own lecture on A to Z, crafts, cooking, physical education, and positive reinforcements. I hope you enjoy the snap shots from today's intrinsic motivation day!

She turned the classroom into her own private leadership studio.
The students had their own desks (my curriculum cubbies turned upside down)

Sea decided Jessi needed a course in Elementary Math 101.

It's everything from A to Z.

Well, that's all for today folks! I'll be sure to pop back in to give you a peek at our Usborne Books Easter Celebration! No lesson plan is complete without an Usborne book in hand!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Stetson University - Earth Day Family Day

Who says a Tar cannot secretly wish to become a Hatter? This Rollins' Momma is never disappointed when it comes to a Stetson family event. Let's just say, I wish for Sea and Shell to be proud Hatters one day, too. As you know from browsing our blog, we love everything Earth related. This family event fit in perfectly with everything we are learning in life this year.  

This seed says to wear gloves when handling. We are planning to research this seed on Monday.

Nope, it's not 2010. It's 2011. I assume these are leftover from last year.

Sea was thrilled to have the opportunity to make her own necklace.

Each child was given the opportunity to bring home five of their discovery pieces.

We know all too much about the creatures who live in the grasslands. They all live in our neighborhood! Mr. Raccoon continues to leave droppings in our backyard.

Yes, it really was sparkling clean!

Just lift the flap and learn what made the item in your home!

I loved this cave. Sea wasn't so thrilled to be in the dark.

Last night, Sea ended up having a nightmare about the bats in the cave. I'm not sure I'll be able to talk her into going into the cave on our next visit. However, in the middle of the night we discussed how bats help our planet and how they eat berries and flying bugs, too. 

Sea was so excited to fill the cups with soil. We later learned there was a craft table with biodegradable cups. *lol* We ended up at the craft table at the end of the event, but the wind was extremely strong. I couldn't hold down the stickers, much less take a picture. She loves to be a leader and wanted to be the soil person for the day.

Mommy was taking notes! It was a great time to learn what to incorporate in our garden.

Unfortunately, we have to remove a tree from our yard next week. It's going on 50+ years and showing signs of decay. We plan to name the new tree, Hatter!

I love this sign!

This was Sea's favorite part of the day. She learned to color with oil pastels.

I have to say, she did a FANTASTIC job!

 Proudly displaying her artwork. *Butterfly, bottom left*

Her daddy is a professional artist. I'm sure she's working towards a colorful future.

In honor of the tree we will say goodbye to this week.

Free Shirts, too! Yippee! We love Hatters!