Praise God! We blew through 2011 alive and well.
The month of December was one of the most difficult months of the year. Three of our family members passed on to continue their spiritual life beyond our earthly existence.
My father left one week before his mother and my mother-in-law left one week after my Nannie. My husband left for his home state just after my father's passing. Thankfully, he was able to be by his mother's side during her passing. Sea and Shell caught their first cold of the year during the time their daddy was away. He finally arrived back into our arms on Christmas Eve.
During this time, we were in the midst of wrapping up Sea's first semester of virtual school. The Christmas cards are still sitting on my desk, along with the Valentine cards. I even have a few gifts to pass out to our loved ones. I'm not sure when I'll actually put the cards in the mailbox. During times of self analysis, I see placing the final stamp on the last card as the end to a chapter in my life. It's a chapter I'm not completely ready to admit is sealed and forever mailed away into my memory.
The year two-thousand eleven brought forth several personal validations. Forgiveness is not an option. Boundaries are fences we build around our hearts. The Lord gives us life and we are responsible for caring for it on a holistic level. Life is what you make out of very breath you take and every breath is a blessing. Say Thank You, Please, and You're Welcome more times than you think is possible. Health starts TODAY!
I've realized blogging isn't something I can do everyday. I've realized my MacBook isn't as user friendly as I had wished. And I've realized I need to buy more lottery tickets. If I'm going to win at LIFE, I have to play the game.
Life isn't what happens to me, it's how I respond to what comes at me. This year I'm responding instead of reacting. I'm planning instead of dreaming. I'm praising instead of praying. The Lord doesn't want me to pray for what I want. The Lord wants me to take hold of the blessings in my life and praise him for my achievements. I cannot walk this world alone, for I am in his hands and he is my coach. Each morning I wake up asking the Lord what can I do today that I did not achieve yesterday.
We tend to our learning garden to share our harvest with our neighbors. We help those in need. We offer love and appreciation more times than expected.
We laugh. We love. We Live!
In the words of an amazing professor,
Make Today Count!